Banner  event honouring Stratford veterans

The following are names of Stratford veterans who are honoured by banners on Stratford lampposts for the month leading up to Remembrance Day. This initiative is organized by the Stratford-Perth Museum,  headed by John Kastner, and is funded by families of the veterans. 

 *    Click here to see the Banner Project and those who ar recognized.


Pte. Howard Peter Kastner


8th battalion,  WIA Ypres


Pte. Alexander Barclay

WW I – KIA Passcendaele


Lt. Col. John Lant Youngs

WW I – Perth Regiment

Youngs Street


Lt. William Davidson



Gnr. Wilfrid Read Edit

WW I KIA Passchendaele


Pte. Edward Thomas Hayter WW I KIA Battle of Coucelette


Lt. Edward Farmer

WW I KIA – Vimy Ridge


Lt. Howard Cluff

WW I – 71st Battalion - CEF

Cluff Court


Pte. William Anticknap

58th battalion WW I -- KIA – Battle of Arras


Pte. Harold Babb WW I – KIA Vimy Ridge

Corp. Layton Smith

WW I – 110th battalion

awarded the Victoria Cross




Gord Francis Billo

Royal Canadian Navy


Fred Goulding Hamilton

CQMS, Perth Regiment


Major Samuel Monteith Loghrin WW I – KIA Battle of Courcelette

St. Patrick Street


Capt. James Watt Lowe

WW I  - KIA Regina Trench


P/O Lionel Edward Swatridge

WW II – RCAF – KIA, 1942



Pte. Leslie Doadt

D Company


Pte. Gordon Werring Barnett

WW II Paratrooper

KIA 1945


Dr. A. Brydone Fleming

RCAF Flight Lieutenant

WW II  1940-1945


H. Lyndon Doadt

Oxford Rifles

WW II 1939-1945

Corporal George Albert Dale 1st Battalion

WIA Ypres, Somme (age 20)

WW I 1915-1918

Keith Harold Dale

Stoker 1st Class

HMCS Ribble (Age 19)

WWII  1942-1945

Sergeant Bruce Dale

RCAF T-Gunner

SQ 408

WWII 1943 - 1945


Flight Officer Frank K. Morley

RCAF 166th, RAF

MIA Aug 1944, Never Found

WWII 1939 - 1945

Nile Street


Rifleman John (Jack) Jones

Queen's Own Rifles

WIA D-Day, June 6, 1944

WW II 1943 - 1945



Corporal Ross Houghton Perth Regiment Italy, Netherlands WW II 1942-1945

Leading Airwoman Edythe Patricia Fowler RCAF Women’s Division Aerial Photographer 1943 – 1945 WW II Ontario Street

Warrant Officer Kenneth W. Fowler RCAF 77 Squadron Halifax Tail Gunner 1943 – 1945 WW II

Ontario Street

Master Warrant Officer Joe AdairB Company – RCR Korea

Private Orville Schramn Perth Regiment WIA April 30, 1945 – Holland WW II  1942-1945

Leading AircraftmenBruce Joseph Shantz RCAF 126 Wing European Theatre WWII 1942-1946

Corporal David MacArthur Royal Canadian Army European Theatre WW II 1939-1945 McDonald St..

Private Richard Hamilton Sebben Canadian Infantry Killed in Action – Oct. 4, 1918 – (age 34 Boulogne, France WWI – 1914-1918

Trooper John Richard Sebben 9th Canadian Armoured Division European Theatre WW II 1942-1945

Flight Lieutenant Len Wilson RCAF 442 Squadron

European Theatre WWII 1942-1945

Caledonia Street


Private Gordon John Morley Perth Regiment France WW I 1916-1919

James Cecil Shurrie Engine Room Artificer (4/C)Area of Service - Royal Canadian NavyTheatre of Service - North Atlantic WW II - May 4, 1942 to August 23, 1945